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If life in danger call Triple Zero 000

Holding on to Hope Podcast

Holding on to Hope takes the listener on a journey of personal stories about the lived experience of suicidality. Through authentic story-telling and connection, the podcast provides inspiration and support to those looking to find hope.

Lifeline Australia is grateful to all Holding on to Hope participants for choosing to share their personal lived experience openly and courageously in order to offer hope and inspiration to others. Your act of kindness makes for a better world.

Please note that suicidality and its contributing factors are discussed and may have a triggering effect. If you experience emotional distress as a result of listening, please reach out to someone you trust and/or call Lifeline on 13 11 14 at any time. If life is in danger, please call 000.

In this episode we're honoured to have Joanna as our guest, sharing her journey of resilience from teenage struggles with depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts to finding hope and healing in her 50s.
10 Sep 2024
Andrew has walked a challenging path, grappling with depression and anxiety for over a decade.
27 Aug 2024
Paul is a resilient soul who embarked on a profound transformation after four decades of living behind a façade of "existences."
13 Aug 2024
Single mum Nicole was inspired to become a Lifeline crisis support worker after her own experience with suicidal ideation.
29 Jul 2024
Grant took on what he thought was the biggest challenge of his life getting sober. Along his journey he learned the power of talking therapy, prioritising mental and emotional well-being and setting crystal clear boundaries.
15 Jul 2024
Grace’s journey, marked by the challenges of mental health, began with suicidal thoughts that emerged in childhood.
2 Jul 2024
Matthew dedicated 24 years to his career. A sudden shift left him feeling discarded, leading to a dark moment during the intense pressures of the pandemic.
17 Jun 2024
As a cisgender lesbian, Australian Army veteran, and dedicated PhD Candidate, she thrives amid adversity, facing challenges of various kinds with unwavering determination.
4 Jun 2024
Will discusses his experiences reaching out to Lifeline during times of despair, the difficulties of managing relationships, and the stigma surrounding men's mental health.
20 May 2024
Davina, a talented journalist and devoted mother of two daughters, shares her story of battling with anxiety, PTSD and postnatal depression while hiding behind the facade of achievement.
16 Nov 2023
Maddie shares her story about facing the challenges of adolescence that led her to address taboos surrounding mental health and become a mental health advocate.
2 Nov 2023
Uncle Monwell faced adversity, dealing with ADHD, PTSD, and self-harm in his early years. Despite many struggles he faced, Monwell's determination led him towards recovery and self-discovery.
19 Oct 2023
At 27, Amanda was trapped in the pursuit of career success, leading to burnout and depression. Diagnosed with depression, she hit rock bottom and contemplated suicide, feeling isolated due to the stigma.
6 Oct 2023
In this episode, we delve into the narratives of two extraordinary individuals who've navigated the depths of darkness, only to emerge as beacons of strength and resilience.
21 Sep 2023
On World Suicide Prevention Day, we bring you a two-part series shedding light on a topic often cloaked in silence. In this episode, we delve into the inspiring stories of two individuals who battled despair and emerged as beacons of strength.
11 Sep 2023
Andrew's life has been marked by immense challenges. As a forced adoptee, he endured a difficult start, followed by psychological and physical abuse at school, leaving him deeply affected by complex trauma.
17 May 2023
Said held on to hope through his own struggles with substance abuse and suicide. Now he teaches other empaths how to manage boundaries and turn their sensitivities into superpowers.
3 May 2023
Having found out in the most awful fashion at 6 years old she was adopted, Lea struggled with challenges throughout high school.
20 Apr 2023
As a young teenager, Ian says he was convinced his future contained a repetition of his difficult childhood and adolescence. This was a fate he was determined to avoid. Later in life, Ian faced more challenges and he felt he had no control left except for one thing, his own life.
4 Apr 2023
Anwyn's story of holding on to hope after struggling with depression and anxiety since early childhood and growing up in a dysfunctional environment.
23 Mar 2023
Tom's inspirational story about walking away from his successful footballer career and managing his mental health on a daily basis.
24 Feb 2023
Matt's story of holding on to hope through anxiety, depression and living with injury after his suicide attempt.
23 Feb 2023
Lizzie's story of holding onto hope after being sexually abused as a child and struggling with addictions.
9 Feb 2023
Eno's story of holding on to hope after battles with suicidal ideation and using his experiences to help others throughout the trucking industry.
18 Aug 2022
Some of us wonder why your schooldays are said to be the happiest days of your life. Many find them a struggle – including Isabella who experienced all the usual teenage angsts along with family issues and mental health concerns.
22 Jul 2022
Lachie Samuel explains what life was like as a former FIFO mining worker, flying in and out of some of the most remote, desolate places in Australia. Places where male suicide and mental health issues are rife and how he went on to turn pain into purpose.

2 Jun 2022
Wes Herring’s story of holding onto hope after his dreams for farming and family were shattered.
2 May 2022
Ian Roberts talks about being the first male professional athlete to openly come out in Australia, and his ongoing support of the LBGTI+ community.
12 Oct 2021
Kate's story of holding on to hope through a gambling addiction.
10 Jun 2021
Matt & Amanda's story of Holding on to Hope through family breakdown and parental alienation.
22 Dec 2020
Anthony Hart's story of holding on to hope after depression snuck up on him, taking him and everyone who knew him by surprise.
19 Oct 2020
Oliver Liyou's story of holding on to hope as a vet struggling under the weight of stress, financial pressure, long hours and massive emotional dilemmas.
28 Aug 2020
Oliver's story of holding on to hope through his slide into darkness by staying connected with his friends.
17 Jun 2020
Erik's story of holding on to hope through a difficult childhood, a life changing accident and the stresses of being an elite athlete, father and partner.
20 May 2020
Chris's story of holding on to hope after surviving three major bushfires including Victoria’s Black Saturday and the PTSD it caused.
24 Mar 2020
Gracie's story of holding on to hope after dealing with the early stages of bipolar disorder and rural isolation.
13 Jan 2020
Former Fire Fighter, Ross Beckley's story of holding on to hope and how he discovered he didn't need a badge to still save lives.
20 Nov 2019
Doctor Kieran's story of Holding on to Hope through mental illness and using his experience to help others.
7 Oct 2019
Donna's story of Holding on to Hope after a confidence crisis that turned her life into turmoil in an extraordinary seven days.
9 Sep 2019
Leilani Darwin’s story of Holding on to Hope by turning her traumatic life experiences into a vehicle to save the lives of other Aboriginal people.
16 Jul 2019
Joe Williams story of Holding on to Hope through connection with culture.
27 May 2019
Tanya's story of holding on to hope over anorexia nervosa.
30 Apr 2019
Mal's story of holding on to hope through workplace stress in the hospitality industry.
30 Apr 2019
Pete's story of holding on to hope after loss of elite athleticism.
30 Apr 2019
Cameron's story of holding on to hope over family violence.
30 Apr 2019
Graeme's story of holding on to hope after retirement and loss.
30 Apr 2019
Ben's story of holding on to hope after returning from service and experiencing PTSD.
30 Apr 2019
Dave's story of holding on to hope through depression and long term pain.
30 Apr 2019
Jaz's story of holding on to hope through the stress of transition.
30 Apr 2019
Brendan's story of holding on to hope through drought, rural isolation and depression.
30 Apr 2019

Other helpful resources

man at desk typing on phone
young woman's face in front of art work
female hands interacting with mobile phone
two people holding hands in support

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